Gail's Story

Lost 163 lbs

Won $3,227

"Without DietBet I never would have gotten this close to my high school weight."

I joined dietbet towards the end of April 2013. I had just lost 50 pounds and I was terrified that I would gain all the weight back and more. As I was trying to find a way to stay motivated my prayers were answered. My local paper ran an article on DietBet and I immediately signed up for 5 games (the max at that time). Since joining DietBet I have done and won 25 games. I have gone from a size 20 pant size to a size 6, and I am in the best shape I have ever been in. Without DietBet I never would have gotten this close to my high school weight (125). My DietBet friends continually cheer me on, which keeps me motivated to wake up at 5am and hit the gym for an hour or two before work. The strong community and nurturing support has helped me realize that to keep my weight off, I have to maintain my healthy habits. I have hosted several of my own bets and have found that my friends and family are also now excited about winning money to shed their unwanted pounds. I still want to lose about 20 more pounds, so I plan on joining new games every month until the weight is gone, making new friends, learning more about myself and discovering new recipes and resources.

The Diet Bet concept is beyond brilliant and I’m having the time of my life. The $1500 that I won from all my weight loss efforts paid for all my road trips this summer and a completely new wardrobe.

How much do you want to lose?