Liesl's Story

Lost 30 lbs

Won $545

"I weigh less now than I did one year after gastric bypass. I am at a weight I never, ever thought I would ever obtain."

I have always struggled with my weight, and in September 2003 I underwent gastric bypass surgery. I did very well for several years after the surgery, but when tough times hit I began emotional eating. I slowly re-gained 50 pounds. In November of last year I decided that I did not want to lose everything I had worked so hard for so I decided to take charge. I found Dietbet online and knew instantly it would work for me. The goals were realistic, and I thought they were quite achievable, yet challenging. I had tried Weight Watchers, Slim Fast and Atkins but did not like having to eat processed foods all the time, which is even more important to me because I deal with a kidney disease that requires me to follow a certain diet. I needed a program that fit my needs and I found that with DietBet. DietBet gave me the tools I needed to achieve my goals.

I enjoy the community in the smaller games and the big winnings of the larger games, so I participate in several games at once. My goal was to lost 50 pounds, and I ended up beating that goal. I weigh less now than I did one year after gastric bypass. I am at a weight I never, ever thought I would ever obtain. To anyone thinking about trying a game don’t be afraid to reach out to the referees, they are here to help and are awesome! Even if you don’t win a DietBet, if the scale numbers are headed in the right direction, you are a success!

How much do you want to lose?