Sara's Story

Lost 143 lbs

Won $377

"The support of friends kept me motivated and got me through the tougher times. See Sara's story on CNN"

I have been overweight from adolescence to adulthood. I have tried multiple diets from fad diets to Weight Watchers, all with varying degrees of success. After my 34th birthday I realized enough was enough, I needed to change my eating and exercise habits. I knew that I would need support if I were going to create good habits to replace the bad habits I had created over the last few years.

I joined my first Dietbet game in March of 2013 with a small private group that my friend invited me too. Even though we didn’t all know each other, we got to know each other quickly, and became a great support group. Then, as I became more confident, I tried other games that required more money, but the payouts could be higher. The support of friends and the ability to be anonymous in the larger groups helped to keep me motivated and got me through the tougher times.

Now after a year with Dietbet I am 143lbs lighter and weigh under 200lbs. I have never had the success that I have had on Dietbet before. The structure of the games gave me the freedom to choose the best route for achieving my goal. Through Dietbet I was able to tell my story to a wider audience and hopefully inspire even one person to join one game to start their new lease on life just as the people I have played with on Dietbet inspired me.

How much do you want to lose?