Phoenix's Story

Lost 50 lbs

Won $630

"There is something magical about the community support that one receives."

I have always considered myself an active, athletic individual until a medical diagnosis and subsequent treatment forced me into an inactive lifestyle for several years. During the treatment period, I developed additional complications and gained 75 lbs. Over the course of several years and lengthy period illness the weight was creating additional issues for me. In January, I had a medical episode that woke me up to the fact that I had to be proactive about changing my life and I had to be the one to find the path to a successful approach to healthy living.

I read an article about someone who had lost weight with DietBet. I realized I didn’t need information about how to lose weight as I already had all that information and refresh my memory by visiting my bookshelves or finding it online. What I did need was community support. DietBet combined 2 things that really work well for me. Being competitive and losing money. When I play, I play to win. This site brought it all together for me. Include the weekly accountability of using weigh in tokens.

There is something magical about the community support that one receives. Even though I probably will never meet those people in person I have made friends. It is not only that others encouraged me, but also that I was able to encourage others. When I started I asked a close friend if she wanted to do it as well. She declined. After I had lost about 30 lbs. she also started to join the same game I did. She is doing well in getting healthier as a result.

How much do you want to lose?