Samantha's Story

Lost 40 lbs

Won $115

""...the positive attitudes of the other DietBetter’s kept me on track.""

In May of 2013, I decided to focus on myself and start eating healthily and exercising. My cousin who is a Beachbody coach invited me to join her Dietbet and as soon as I went to the site, I knew it was for me. This was the missing piece to my success. I found DietBet to be motivating because of my competitive nature. I am super competitive and I do NOT like to lose games or bets. I have tried Weight Watchers, MediFast, and a food journal, and while I lost weight at first, I ended up gaining it all back. Checking in daily with the games, along with reading the Daily Carrot newsletter, helped me remain motivated. It was fun to read about others success and failures. We all have bad days, but the positive attitudes of the other DietBetter’s kept me on track.

My favorite thing about DietBet is watching my weight loss graph go down while watching my account balance go up! I think everyone should join a DietBet, it really makes losing weight fun.

How much do you want to lose?