Shani's Story

Lost 22 lbs

Won $196

"With DietBet everyone has a chance at being a winner!"

After the birth of my third child I was very overweight, and it was affecting my mood, my energy levels and my happiness. In January of 2013 I finally had the determination to do something about my weight. I lost 20 pounds in the following months by counting calories and cutting out processed foods. I knew I wasn’t done with my weight loss journey, but was finding it hard to stay motivated.

In May of 2013 I found out about DietBet through a friend on Facebook. When I went to the site to look around I was intrigued. While I had participated in weight loss contests before it had always been high stakes and winner take all. I really liked that with DietBet everyone has a chance at being a winner! I also liked the 4% body weight goal because while it is attainable you have to stay focused to ensure that you make the goal by the end of four weeks. After signing up for my first DietBet and winning I participated in 4 additional bets to help me stay motivated in my weight loss attempts. It worked! I won all of those bets as well. I lost an additional 21.5 pounds with DietBet bringing my total weight loss to 40 pounds and I am thrilled!

I think that DietBet worked for me because it gave me accountability and support. The accountability was really important. I knew that I had to step on the scale at the end of the bet and I didn't want to lose my money! The support from the other players in the game helped me as well. Thank you DietBet for helping me achieve my goals!

How much do you want to lose?