Karen's Story

Lost 46 lbs

Won $683

"DietBetter provided me with the combination of motivators that actually worked."

A friend who'd used DietBetter recommended it to me. I've been active and athletic my whole life, but had put on significant weight after a car accident.

I put on 60 pounds in the 4 years that followed, in large part because I had 24/7 pains. I realized I really HAD to get the surgery; but then, after recovering from spine, shoulder (and a much-later unrelated abdominal surgery), I found I STILL couldn't drop that much weight at a stretch. Diet alone didn't do it. Exercise alone didn't do it. I'd lose a chunk but lose my motivation and focus after a time. I knew what was required, and understood what I needed to do with eating and exercise, but couldn't seem to marry sufficient sustained motivation with the long-term effort required. Weight Watchers was informative but far too expensive over the long run, and group meetings didn't provide the kind of person-to-person interactions that really worked for me, personally. And I just saw the money draining away again and again, week after week. I was desperate to find something that worked. I also know that I'm motivated by competition ... I find that measuring myself against (and with) others' progress is a primary motivator that helps me stay on track. So, I was excited to find DietBetter!

DietBetter provided me with the combination of motivators that actually worked. First, it allowed me to tie in MyFitnessPal app on my iPhone for tracking food intake and exercise calories. Second, it provided me with a community of fellow travelers on this path, whom I could support and who supported me -- and frankly, that also provided me with an element of competition that I thrive on. Just as important, DietBetter provided a serious monetary incentive -- the promised reward of gaining back my entire investment to participate, and even more, if I succeeded. It just made sense -- monetarily, motivationally, and technically. The combination was what it took.

How much do you want to lose?