Lisa's Story

Lost 44 lbs

Won $177

"I have been raving to my friends and coworkers that if it wasn't for DietBetter I would have never lost the weight that I have."

I am a grandmother of a 2 year old and mother of 2. I manage a bakery in our local grocery store. I actually found DietBetter when watching a Shaytards vlog on YouTube that my daughter started watching with me at Christmas time. I had injured my back a year before and had gained weight and felt miserable. Shay had said that he was starting a DietBet in January so I had joined. I had tried dieting and exercising in the past but failed since my injury.

DietBet worked for me really well because of the accountability factor and also the wonderful support from others who felt the same as I did. The people on here are amazing. When you fall they get you back up and going. There are so many success stories. DietBetter has become an addiction to me as I also enjoy supporting others.

I have been raving to my friends and coworkers that if it wasn't for DietBetter I would have never lost the weight that I have. I would love for others to find this site and just try it. After the first month you will be addicted to the support, recipes and stories of others but the best of all you will be addicted to your success. When people start saying wow you've lost weight and you look great, it sure feels good. It wasn't easy but accountability and support make it possible.

How much do you want to lose?