Andrea's Story

Lost 56 lbs

Won $372

"I decided that I wanted my two girls growing up with a positive example of self-confidence and health, knowing that they could celebrate who they were and the things their bodies could do!"

I am a stay at home Mom of two beautiful girls, when my first DietBet started they were 19 months old, and just one month old. After the birth of my second child, I decided that I wanted my two girls growing up with a positive example of self-confidence and health, knowing that they could celebrate who they were and the things their bodies could do! In the past I had tried to lose weight, but always gave up when things became difficult or inconvenient. I knew that if I made a financial commitment to my own health, I would not let myself (and my family) down.

Being a part of this DietBet really helped keep me motivated because there were deadlines to be met, goals to keep on track with, a supportive community of people who were all in the same boat, incentives along the way, and (of course) a cash payout at the end! I really loved the format of the DietBet 10 - being a longer game with monthly weigh ins - it really supports the idea that healthy living isn't a one time event, it is ongoing and requires commitment regardless of life events.

I would encourage anyone who wants to make a change in their life to join a transformer game and be a part of the community of people who are all trying to make positive changes!

How much do you want to lose?