Kathleen's Story

Lost 22 lbs

Won $469

"DietBetter is a great way to connect with others with the same goal and feel supported."

I found that I wasn’t in the shape I wanted to be in. I didn’t feel healthy or able to do the things I wanted to do, and thought that I should do something so that when I turned 50 I was ready to do whatever I wanted with the next 50 years. Nothing I was doing on my own was working because I didn’t have a concrete plan in place

I signed up for a transformer game and paid for the entire 6 months and really didn’t want to lose all that money. I signed up with someone else and we were really supportive of each other and encouraging so I wasn’t in it alone.

I found that it wasn’t just about the weight, it was about getting enough sleep and exercising and changing my eating habits. Once I started doing all three I found success. It takes a long time to get that all in place so it is important to have encouragement from others trying to do the same thing and sharing what works for them. The reminders for weighing in weekly were really helpful.

I really liked the transformer because it was longer, so it gave me time to make some real life changes.

DietBetter is a great way to connect with others with the same goal and feel supported. Since you can always get your initial investment back if you make the weight goal you are really in control of being able to win even more than just good health.

How much do you want to lose?