Pamela's Story

Lost 37 lbs

Won $394

"I was so surprised by the amount of the payouts in the end!"

I’m a full-time nurse, mother of 2 daughters & wife of 19 years. In the past I have tried almost every 'diet' under the sun. A few years ago I'd joined a local ladies gym and I'd even lost a pretty good amount of weight while my husband was serving overseas; but my reasons for doing it were not the right ones. As soon as he returned I gained all of it back plus some.

I decided to use DietBet after reading about it in a magazine article and then seeing another blurb about it on Facebook. It looked like a fun and supportive way to lose weight (and maybe win a little cash) in a community of people on the same journey!

I think that DB worked for me because it was a large community supporting each other online but I was able keep photos private and only share them if I felt confident enough to do so. It was nice to know that others were going through a lot of the same issues I was and to have the support and guidance of everyone and 'coaches’.

I really liked the social aspect of it. It was great meeting new friends and having the support of others. I also liked that I was able to keep myself accountable through the money incentive! I was so surprised by the amount of the payouts in the end! It was a very nice end result to all of my hard work!

How much do you want to lose?