Melissa's Story

Lost 40 lbs

Won $93

"People are more successful when they have a group of cheerleaders and supporters!"

I am 43, married for 20 years, and have two amazing children. Our son is Dakota and he is 18 with cognitive and physical impairments. We also have our daughter Savannah; she is 12 and a very active young lady. They keep us very busy! It was when my son turned 18 and reality hit that he was going to need me to take care of him for as long as I could that I had to do something about my own health.

I have tried every "diet" I could but it wasn't until I started logging my food and drink intake into MyFitnessPal account that I started being successful, but I felt like I needed a boost. My friend and I decided to try DietBetter together for the first time, and after that I was hooked.

I love the accountability and the motivation that DietBetter offers. It’s an awesome way to keep you focused and accountable. It’s also great to see and talk to other people that are feeling the same way that you are. People are more successful when they have a group of cheerleaders and supporters!

How much do you want to lose?