Kurt's Story

Lost 96 lbs

Won $751

""I am on my 10th dietbet game right now and have lost 96 lbs to date and will hit that 100 lb mark here soon.""

Over the years I have tried dieting and have failed over and over through many different attempts of going to the gym or doing workouts in my basement all alone. Only a couple months after my son was born I decided that I wanted to be the dad that he deserves. After plumping up to 335.8 lbs it was time for a change. I heard about dietbet through a YouTube channel and thought I would give it a try. I am on my 10th dietbet game right now and have lost 96 lbs to date and will hit that 100 lb mark here soon. Dietbet has been an incredible motivator for me to continue pushing on when it gets hard or when I want to stop and eat at the Brazilian Rodizio. My favorite part is there are people there with the same goals, not only to lose weight, but to run races, lift weights, eat cleaner. When I first started my journey I about had a heart attack but recently ran a half marathon and am training for a full marathon. Without support and advice from others it would have been hard to get to where I am today. If you are thinking of joining dietbet I would tell you to give it a shot because you are going to be hooked and in a couple of months you are going to be looking great but even better, feeling great.

How much do you want to lose?