Mallory's Story

Lost 40 lbs

Won $477

"After completing my first DietBet, I knew it was something I could be successful with."

I am a 27-year-old mom with a full time job. I have tried WeightWatchers in the past, but found that if I didn't attend meetings I would fall off the wagon. I have also gotten into exercise programs off and on. I always seem to lose sight of my main goals trying to achieve on my own with no accountability. There were too many steps to remember along with every thing else I have to do every day!

I heard about DietBetter through a friend of a friend and decided to give it a try. I was 3 months postpartum and I was ready to kick the baby weight! I figured DietBetter was something I could use to revitalize my motivation.

After completing my first DietBet, I knew it was something I could be successful with. I had the accountability with the weigh ins, the support of a group if I needed extra encouragement with the activity feed if I needed it, a winner's purse if I was successful and of course the drive of pure competition! I can be as involved I want; a mere observer or an active participant in discussions and the typical sharing of a social media site, and that I could keep my weigh-ins confidential until I was at a place where I was comfortable sharing my weight.

With DietBet you know exactly what your goals are, and they are small stepping-stones with easily attainable results. It helps knowing that you paid a small entrance fee, but you can WIN MONEY! Who doesn't enjoy a little extra change in their pockets?

How much do you want to lose?