Sarah's Story

Lost 36 lbs

Won $587

"I love the idea of betting on myself to win!"

I am a stay at home mother of two little girls. I have lost about 115 pounds over all, 36 of them while using DietBetter.

I found DietBetter through a fitness blog I follow. The blogger had set up a game and I decided to join since I was already trying to lose weight. The game was starting two weeks later so I decided to join one that was starting right away as well so that I could see how it worked. I liked the idea of having money on the line as a motivator. So far I have played in 9 DietBet 4 games, 1 Transformer and I am currently playing in my 2nd Transformer. I haven't won every round, but I keep coming back.

I love the idea of betting on myself to win! Knowing I have money on the line and that I could come out ahead financially is really helpful for keeping me on track. I like the support of the others in the games. It is such a supportive community.

If you want a fun way to stay motivated and possibly make a little extra cash, this could be for you!

How much do you want to lose?