Krista's Story

Lost 38 lbs

Won $147

"I'm betting on a sure thing! I'm betting on MYSELF!"

After a lifetime of battling the bulge and developing quite the system for deflecting all thought of healthy weight and fitness, my busy life of avoidance came to a screeching halt on May 12th, 2014. My doctor informed me that I was in the obese category; the rest of my appointment is a blur through the haze of tears and shame. I could just think I did this to myself. The next day, I went to work and sat down with a friend who told me about DietBetter!

On May 13th, I took the plunge and joined my first DietBet! I have not looked back since. I've always been competitive and I do love a wager, so why not bet on myself?I had no intention of not completing the bet and not meeting my goal.

And here I am a DietBetter who, as of this morning, unofficially weighs 39 pounds less than I did that pivotal day in May. A DietBetter for whom the scale dipped below 150 this weekend, as I wore a fitted shirt and jeans I bought 10 years ago!

The support of the communities of each of my DietBets have been incredible, but it's the weekly weigh-ins and the validation that all my hard work is paying off that really move me forward. Turns out it's true, I'm betting on a sure thing! I'm betting on MYSELF!

How much do you want to lose?