Anne's Story

Lost 29 lbs

Won $610

"I can almost fit back into my wedding dress from 25 years ago!"

I am a wife of 25 years in January, mother of 2 gorgeous boys and I have a beautiful granddaughter who just turned 1. I decided to try DietBetter because it sounded fun, and Jillian Michaels was hosting one so I figured why not try it. I love to make money, and I needed to lose weight or I would have been in trouble with my health.

I believe Dietbetter worked for me for a few different reasons. It made me try something different to lose weight because I didn’t want to be out of my money. The goal was obtainable, 4% is easily obtained when you weigh so much over. I like the competition the best!

DietBetter keeps you on your toes, because watching the scale keeps your subconscious in check. My son is getting married in February, and trying on dresses is a better experience than it was a year ago! I can almost fit back into my wedding dress from 25 years ago!

How much do you want to lose?