Dalah's Story

Lost 31 lbs

Won $2,121

"Dietbetter has helped me discover a lot about myself."

I struggled with my weight after about age 10 and up until I was 23. On July 26th, 2013 I said enough is enough. I had been married to a wonderful man for just over a year, we had a beautiful baby girl and one night I googled "real before and after weight loss" pictures. I saw that it was really possible to lose weight. I wanted to lose weight safely and naturally. I started researching on my own, what to do. I downloaded the myfitnesspal app and I use that for tracking my calories and keeping track of what I ate.

I heard about DietBetter on Instagram. One of the users that I follow started a bet of her own and was trying to get people on board. I kept checking the page, watching the pot grow. I won my first bet and was hooked after that. Anytime I gain a few pounds and know I need to cut back, I join a dietbet4 and lose it. It holds me accountable and helps keep me motivated! I have done 2 of the 6-month Transformers and am in the last round of my third. It’s been great to see/hear from the same users for 6 months. There is a sense of community and camaraderie that I love and can't find anywhere else! I have won the battle against obesity, thanks in large part, to DietBetter. Having money on the line spurs me on! You get to know people who are in the same boat as you are. You find out you aren't alone in your struggles and it’s great!

Everyone is capable of winning. Dietbetter has helped me discover a lot about myself. If you want to lose weight, if you have trouble with motivation, if you like having fun, if you like winning money then JOIN DIETBET!!!

How much do you want to lose?