Amanda's Story

Lost 28 lbs

Won $248

"DietBet helped keep me focused on my goal."

I learned about DietBetter from a friend who had been playing. I was intrigued at the thought of winning money and having an outside source of accountability and support. I wanted to lose weight not only for my upcoming wedding, but for my health! I've been overweight/borderline obese (by BMI standards) for most of my life. I wanted to take responsibility for my appearance, health, and the way I felt on a day-to-day basis. My goal wasn't so much to be a certain size, but to improve my fitness level to something I could feel good about.

I have lost weight a few times over the years, but have always gained it back. I generally would start watching what I ate and working out, but once I became satisfied with my progress, I'd slowly revert back to my old ways - and old weight. I still have more weight to lose, and even when I reach my goal, I plan on continuing to participate in DietBets in order to maintain.

DietBetter has worked for me most importantly because of the amazing support of the group I found - Fitness Warriors. I just picked a group randomly but I'm so glad I picked them! They have been such an incredible source of support, motivation, and positivity. I do not believe I would have lost the weight without that. Secondly, having a bet on the line helps engage my sense of competitiveness!

I think DietBet gives you a nice way to visualize and track your progress. Without DietBet, I wouldn't have taken body photos or recorded my weight as regularly. Without that constant 'checking in' it's easy to ignore yourself slipping. DietBet helped keep me focused on my goal.

The part of the game that I like the best is having a whole new place full of supportive people who are struggling with the same things I am.

Do not hesitate to join DietBet. You can control the amount of money you want to bet. No one is going to try and sell you anything. You will, however, make some new friends. You'll probably start to feel better about yourself. You'll hopefully get healthier. You might even make some money! But - I honestly don't even think about that part. What I think about is how much better I feel and how much happier I am because of that.

How much do you want to lose?