Dawn's Story

Lost 53 lbs

Won $1,361

"DietBetter kept me on track and thinking about my goals!"

I am a single parent who raised three sons and helped raised 4 nephews. I loved food and turned to it for emotional issues, which there were many. My turning point was when my blood pressure soared and my doctor said I was really unhealthy. I researched and tried many things and the secret that worked was to change my beliefs, values and actions about food, exercise and stress. DietBetter helped with that because it was a fun game and it kept me on track and thinking about my goal again when there were distractions in my life.

I entered the Gold's Gym weight loss contest and they don't check in every week so I thought combining that contest with DietBet would give me the weekly motivation to keep on my healthy weight loss. I liked weighing in each week because it kept me on my toes and focused and reading others comments gave me the support to stick with it.

If you are thinking of trying DietBetter definitely do the six-month and buy the weigh in tokens and join a couple other games. You will be continually focused and thinking about your weight loss goals.

How much do you want to lose?