Luis's Story

Lost 44 lbs

Won $147

"DietBetter helped me create a healthier lifestyle."

I am married with four children, and I have been a computer consultant for the last 20 years. I tried every diet and weight loss trick in the book and nothing worked until now!

Our daughter told us about DietBetter and we tried out the Kickstarter game and have been playing ever since. I have been trying to lose weight for 25 years and this was the first time I have seen results. My family plays the games together.

I think DietBetter worked for me mostly because of the visibility and control. The weekly weigh-ins keep you on your toes and there is an audience that sees how you are doing. It is under your own control if you win or not.

Since I am an engineer I like the numbers, statistics, graphs and percentages a lot. I have lost about 60 lbs. since joining! I have recommended Dietbetter to several friends.

DietBetter helped me create a healthier lifestyle. Now eating healthy, working out and weighing-in is a habit, it’s become life!

How much do you want to lose?