Jenny's Story

Lost 44 lbs

Won $484

"Commit to your goals and it will, literally, pay off!"

I'm a mom to 3 awesome boys and a wife to an amazingly supportive husband I work at a local gym and look to our members for inspiration and motivation.

I've always loved weight loss challenges and find them very motivating. Unfortunately, there were never any local ones that weren't attached to a weight loss program that I wasn't interested in using. Also, most challenges have 1-2 winners and the rest are financial losers. I loved how DietBet had you compete against yourself. Also, you only lose money if you don't lose the weight- not because someone else loses more than you.

I have tried several weight loss programs, which worked for a period of time, but required financial commitments, either weekly fees or by purchasing branded food. My weight loss plan, which includes DietBet and MyFitnessPal, doesn't cost me a dime and actually MAKES me money.

I love the confirmation that I made and achieved a realistic goal. And that I benefitted from this win, no matter how well or poorly the rest of the group did.

I like to say that DietBet is the perfect Weight Loss Trifecta- Eat Less, Move More, and DietBet! If you're a competitive person or need the support of a community, DietBet is the perfect solution. Commit to your goals and it will, literally, pay off!

How much do you want to lose?