Sarah's Story

Lost 47 lbs

Won $50

"DietBet did what I couldn't do for myself - it made me start!"

I am a stay-at-home mom of two young children who never lost the baby weight from the first pregnancy and continued to gain weight until I started DietBet.

I had been telling myself for quite some time that I wanted to lose weight, but I always followed that thought up with "I'll start tomorrow." I heard about DietBet and decided to sign up for a 4-week game. Once I had paid my fee and had the date that the challenge started, there was no going back - no more "tomorrows" - I had to finally start! I needed the accountability to get myself going and to stay motivated when I wanted to quit.

DietBet did what I couldn't do for myself - it made me start! Once I paid my money I couldn't let myself lose that investment. The accountability that DietBet provided for me not only got me going, but has kept me going as I continue my weight loss with a Transformer challenge.

I like that you can interact with the website as much or as little as you choose. During the Transformer challenge I check in about once a week and I enjoy reading everyone's comments and motivational quotes although I typically don't post myself. I feel like I am part of a greater community - one that is supportive and inspirational as I navigate my own personal weight loss journey.

How much do you want to lose?