Megan's Story

Lost 45 lbs

Won $352

"DietBet allowed me to compete against others while also competing against myself."

At this time last year, I had just become engaged. When I looked to the 18 months in front of me, I decided I didn't want to be an obese bride. Something needed to be done. However, I knew I needed an external incentive to stick with weight loss. I have tried to lose weight many times before and would initially be successful, but I would invariably run out of steam. I would find myself backsliding into my old, unhealthy habits.

With DietBet, I was incentivized to stay on track. This time, I began a low-carb diet but needed extra incentive to say no when people would offer me delicious desserts, warm bread, or a pint of beer. DietBet gave me that incentive.

I've tried many diets in the past. You name it, I've tried it! And like I said, I was successful with all of them--in the short term. But I would lose motivation and return to my previous habits.

DietBet forced me to weigh in weekly. It became part of my Sunday routine. Knowing this routine was going to happen every Sunday helped me forge good habits in the first few months of this weight loss journey. It was also a boost to win money each month!

I am fiercely competitive, so DietBet allowed me to compete against others while also competing against myself. It also rewarded me for my small monthly achievements, which pushed me forward.

How much do you want to lose?