Naomi's Story

Lost 45 lbs

Won $963

"I controlled the outcome of whether I would lose or win"

I'm a single mother with five children. I ran my first 5k in March of this year, and have gone on to do 3 more with my children and a double jogging stroller. I've also completed 3 sprint distance triathlons and hope to be ready to do a half ironman in 2015.

I decided to try DietBet because I thought money would be a good motivator. The goals also seemed like a realistic pace to lose weight and I knew they were obtainable. I've been on a diet for years with the motto, "I'll start my diet over tomorrow." But what is different this time is that I have had a taste of success. Success equals motivation.

When I win a DietBet, I feel successful and this motivates me to continue my weight loss journey. I receive tips and encouragement from other users, DietBet automatically post to my Facebook feed so my friends and family automatically send positive encouragement.

DietBet wasn't like betting on a football team, but instead, I controlled the outcome of whether I would lose or win. This motivates me to make wise choices.

How much do you want to lose?