Tony's Story

Lost 47 lbs

Won $601

"The encouragement goes a long way!"

I have enjoyed sports all my life and love competition. Four years ago I participated in a Biggest Loser contest at work and lost 54lbs to win the event. I lost that much weight in 3 months, which was way to fast to lose that much weight. I kept my weight down for a couple of year and stopped running and eating healthy. I gained all the weight back plus 20lbs more. I started feeling bad, my blood pressure started going up, it was hard to walk up stairs and hills, I was right back in that over weight rut again.

I saw an ad in a magazine about DietBet and thought this might be the thing that will help motivate me start-losing weight again. After checking out Diet Bet online, I decided to try a game. Weighing in at a whooping 275lbs, I have won 10 games so far and I've lost 4% of my weight each month bringing me to the first goal that I had set for myself of 225lbs.

Losing weight is one of the hardest things that anyone can try to do. The thing about DietBet is you’re not competing against any one else but yourself. If you don't make your weight you didn't do enough to lose the weight and you need to try harder the next game. Everyone that's playing is rooting for you to win and the encouragement goes a long way! For me the money is just the inspiration that I need to keep me going. It's not about winning the money, it's I don't want to lose money.

I have set a new goal to get down to 190 lbs. and I think DietBet is the best way for me to lose weight because it help me to stay motivated, focused, and most of all stay connected to everyone that playing the game with me.

How much do you want to lose?