Laura's Story

Lost 41 lbs

Won $880

"I can't believe the differences I see in myself today."

I am currently working full time and attending school. My husband and I are also currently working on opening a microbrewery locally and our love of beer turned into a "weighty issue" following our wedding in September 2012. I have a lot going on and realized that I had allowed my weight to get to a point that was not healthy for me and was hindering me from doing all of the things I wanted to do. I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism approximately 2.5 years ago and had convinced myself that my weight was something I could fix. In December 2013, I was at my heaviest, 205 pounds and tore my meniscus. I realized that if I wanted to enjoy life, I needed to get healthy.

I think something that made DietBetter effective for me was having several groups to hold me accountable. I soon found the competitive side of me kicked in and I was really just competing against myself, and that number on the scale. Once I could exercise more, my husband and I realized that what we enjoyed most was just spending time together with our dog, simply walking. He soon joined a DietBet too! Through eating less, and walking more, he is now down 46 pounds! So together we have lost over 90 pounds this year!

I enjoyed reading about other people's success as well as their struggles. When I was struggling I would post on my games at time and ask for encouragement, and never once did my game groups leave me hanging. They usually said exactly what I needed to hear and provided me the support I needed to keep going.

I can't believe the differences I see in myself today. I went from a size 14/16 to a 6/8. It blows my mind to think about how far I have come since March!

How much do you want to lose?