Sharon's Story

Lost 42 lbs

Won $405

"I weigh 80 lbs. less than I was in high school!"

I am currently a stay at home mom to two very energetic little girls. I have been losing the weight with counting calories and exercise with DietBet as my motivation to keep it up. As of today, I have lost about 40 lbs. and want to lose 15-20 more. I went from a size 18 to a size 10!

I am currently at my lowest adult weight, and I weigh 80 lbs. less than I was in high school! I was diagnosed with Hypothyroidism and PCOS in high school and used it as an excuse for many years. I lost weight in the past through, but gained some of it back with both my pregnancies. I learned of DietBet and I have officially lost the baby weight!

I saw an ad for the Chris and Heidi Powell challenge, and I was already set on losing weight so I thought that it would be great motivation. I won the challenge and was hooked. It was great motivation and a great support network.

DietBet holds you accountable. You think twice about eating that 2nd slice of pizza when you know you will have to weigh-in and money is on the line.

I love DietBet because it is not a program that tells you how to lose weight but one that motivates you to lose. Everyone is very supportive of each other. I don't think I have seen anyone be negative to another. Also, no one should be intimidated because everyone is at different levels of their weight loss journey.

How much do you want to lose?