April's Story

Lost 46 lbs

Won $571

"I wasted 5 years of my life hiding and I refuse to hide anymore!"

I'm a 32-year-old mother of two boys. While pregnant with my youngest child I gained about 50 pounds. Instead of losing it I continued to gain weight until I weighed a whopping 253 pounds. I was miserable and avoided social situations at all costs. Soon after I started to lose the weight I heard about DietBet on MSN I believe and I signed up. Of course throughout even my DietBet journey I have fallen off track but am determined to see the course now. My quality of life is so much better. I'm no longer ashamed to live life and no longer in fear of whom might see me. My lifestyle is much more active and my boys now have a mother who can keep up with them. It makes me sad to know that I wasted 5 years of my life hiding and I refuse to hide anymore!

I chose DietBet to keep me accountable. I'm the money manager in my household and like to keep a tight leash on it. So I knew that putting money on the line was going to keep me motivated to not lose it and in turn lose the extra weight. I still have a way to go and fully intended to keep getting paid to lose weight.

I've tried shakes, hcG diet, low carb, low fat, crazy fads, diet supplements. You name it I've tried it. Though they work in the short term they aren't lifestyle changes. This time it’s been about a diet that I can sustain and exercise. That along with the support of DietBet have brought me to a place I've been dreaming about for a while.

How much do you want to lose?